There are no good adventures to be had in the Dragon Empire, so those who wish to seek trouble travel to the less fornutate parts of the world. They tend to travel in groups, and are motivated to adventure for the thrill of it or out of altruism. They tend to be well educated compared to the residents of most of the world (except, of course, for the Wizards and Citizens.)
Dragon-Blooded: Dragons can take mortal forms to dabble with humans. When they do, they often produce children. These are Dragon Blooded. These look more or less human. They have some minor marks depending on their heritage, frequently including brightly colored eyes and hair. They breed true, and almost all dragon blooded now existent are the childen of dragon blooded, not directly of dragons. They tend to be particularly wealthy and confident and rarely have any meaningful employment.
Dragon Blooded use the same mechanics as Dragonborn. They don't look like Dragonborn, they look more or less human, but mechanically they are identical.
Human Humans are the most common race here by far. Many have a few drops of dragon blood but are not truly "Dragon Blooded". (They may try to pretend that they are, but the lack of dragon breath is a real give away.) Humans in the Empire now enjoy the same wealth as their dragon blooded copatriots, but they have to work for it.
Shifters: Are fairly common here, although still a small perent of the total population. While not considered quite human, they're not seen as monsterous as they are in much of the world. They enjoy most of the rights of citizens of the Empire, which still puts them ahead of most of the world. Both types of shifter are common.
Other Races: Are rare. A few were brought over in former times as zoo pieces, and some of their descendants still linger, but they aren't allowed to travel and don't make good PCs.
The Dragon Isle operates government schools and univeristies which train many of the classes. (The Wizard's Guild is unknown here.) This is the source of Artificers, Bards, Fighters, Monks, Rogues, Rangers, Sorcerors, Swordmages, Warlords and Wizards. These are by far the most common classes.
Most divine classes are unknown. The one exception is the Paladins of Bahamut. All Paladins of Bahamut belong to the military unit of the same name, which doesn't allow for retirment.
Warlocks are rare. They are people who discovered their magic on their own, and they generally keep this fact to themselves. Known warlocks are in danger of being exiled if the authority's judge to be dangerous, a judgement which can be difficult to repeal. Infernal warlocks are put to death.
The gentle environment of the Dragon Isles does not lend itself well to the primal classes. There are a few around, they are self-taught and much admired, but not common.
The official language of the Dragon Empire is Draconic. Dragon Empire characters start with Draconic instead of Common. Most PCs choose Common as a second language, but its not universal.
Basically anything short of ultratech equipment or level 20+ magic weapon is available. High tech weapons are not uncommon.
Gap Year: Your family is one of those who has to work, possibly in the army, a factory, or a government ministry. Nonethless, they lead a rich and proud life. You've decided to get some adventure while you're young.
Government Official: Military officials don't venture off the Isle in official capacity, but its easy to get a transfer to a civilian ministry or claim to be taking a vacation if you have a mission which needs doing.
Anthropologist, Tourist, Merchant: You're out to learn, buy, see, or whatever.
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