Saturday, 27 June 2009

Civilization: The Dragon Empire


Over the seas and far away, lies a vast continent where the Dragons live. For thousands of years, the Dragons lived here, ignoring the rest of the world. They lived in peace for the most part, exiling their criminals to the lands of the mortal races. To serve them, they brought over human slaves. Over the years, some dragons took on mortal form and mated with the humans, creating a unique race. And so it was for milennia.

But when the Demon Empire started to spread over the world, the Dragons act. From the lands of the Sorceror Nations of Ulm to the Kingdoms of Men, the Dragons flew forth, bearing their children as ambassadors. They taught their allies how to fight, and flew over them in battle, and many of the great beasts fell in battle against the forces of evil, but at the end the day was won.

Today, the Dragons have returned to their island. They rarely venture forth, and are known to the rest of the world as distant and scary. Their children, the Dragon Blooded, travel the world, keeping the peace, doing good deeds, and bringing home treasures to add to their parent's horde.


The Dragon Empire, always wealthy, has become incredibly rich. The land is magically fertile, pleasantly warm all year around, and the monsters common in the rest of the world are unknown here. Its people occupy themselves in the creation of magical wonders or training for war. Needless to say, the Dragon Empire has no need for warriors on its own territory, and so those who wish to adventure travel forth to the other nations. This is a major source of the world's trouble makers.

The society of the Dragon Empire favors things which inspire awe. Everything is as big as is possible, and tends to be made with simple lines and bright colors. Exotic pets are common. Technologically is basically industrial era. There are lots of magitek cars, tanks, planes, and the like, along with huge numbers of magic and ultratech weapons. The 10,000 gp minimum cost for magitek is less of a barrier here than elsewhere, so you see more frivolous items.

The only rule for cities of the Dragon Empire is that they feature large amounts of public space. Beyond that, you see all manner of fantastical architecture, public gardens, and the like.

The Dragon Empire is meritocratic and brutally competetive. Many people have only nominal jobs, those who do want meaningful positions have to compete hard for them. The human government is in effect a military bureaucracy, guided occasionally by the Dragons. Elaborate mock battles and skirmishes in fantastic stadiums is common.

The Dragon Empire maintains no formal embassy or outpost outside of their native empire, so those of its citizens who travel make do on their own. Being able to make it outside the Empire and return succesfully is considered a major triumph. Of course, many don't come back. And the Empire's tight controls on immigration mean those who do can not take their companions.

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