Saturday, 27 June 2009


Magitek is the law, and looks quite modern. Trains, horses, motorbikes, and the like are all known. These devices operate on different principles than in the real world - the laws of physics don't operate quite like they do in the real world. High tech items are all partially magical, and are described as Magitek. These magical items are run by bound spirits. Anything which we would think of as a technical object is a magitek item, and costs at least 10,000 gp.

As a result, you don't have the cheap high tech items you get in the real world. There are no cell phones or televisions. Magic items which do the same thing exist, but are not common because they are so expensive.

Technology in the Kingdoms of Men is mostly still medival. These areas are too poor for Magitek. Some gets imported, but its not common.

By contrast, Magitek of every sort is common in the Dragon Empire. You get tanks, remote communication devices, airships, magitek construction equipment, and basically anything you like. Technology here is classy, modern, clean, and functional. It is roughly 20th century in appearance.

Magitek in the fallen Demon Empire is more or less steampunk. It tends to be dangerous, rickey, and focuses on industrial or wartime applications. You see lots of steam mecha, airship which are real ships with mazes of whirring gears inside, demon trains, and so forth. Communication and recreations are less advanced.

The Ancient City has the most advanced Magitek of any of the civilizations. This is where you get the futuristic stuff like Sentient AI, Robots, and so forth. Its all made out of organically grown metals or glass. (think Dresden Kodak.) The City has a couple of vast train networks, each of which is one magitek item with an ancient spirit bound into it. The vast Thought Machines which run the City give the citizens of the city access to something like personal computing, although its....different. The City rarely wastes spirits on individual tanks, planes, or the like, so citizens who live the city have to rely on horses or buy personal vehicle from some other nation.

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