Saturday, 27 June 2009

Civilization: The Wizard's Guild

East through the forest from the Kingdoms of Men lay the Sorceror Kingdoms of Ulm. These are a realm where the Wizard's Guild rules.

The Wizard's Guild has Academies all across the world. These are secret places where the young are trained in the arts of magic. With their access to potent magic, the Wizards see themselves as the guiding hands of history. They secretly meddle in basically everything around the world, and one way or another. Many think they are responsible for all of history (although the Demon Wars and the rise of the Dragon Isle seems to have been something of a surprise, so make of that claim what you will.)

In the Sorceror Kingdoms of Ulm, the Wizards truly rule. The original culture of Ulm combines the heritage of the Kingdoms of Man with the religion of the southeastern isles. This religion still gets lip service, but Ulm is dominated by the wizards. The culture is professional, mertiocratic, but yet gentle. It loves children and innocent past times. It tolerates, even encourages small rebllions. The gentleness of the wizards at home combines oddly with their history of ruthlessness abroad.

Ulm invented the Wizard academy, banking, navigation, law and many other arts. It sets up academies throughout the world with the quiet goal to educate and thus influence as much of the world's professional classes as possible.

In general, think Harry Potter, but Dumbledore is running a big secret conspiracy to control the world.

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